GP Pregnancy Care
28 October 2022
General Practice North (GPN) co-branded with Primary Health Tasmania (PHT) promoting GP Pregnancy Care at the All About Babies (AAB) event in 2019 and when it was next held again in September 2021. At each of these events it was an opportunity to showcase the GP Pregnancy Care Pregnancy Record (‘the pink book’) which is a resource developed for use by GPs and their patients in northern Tasmania and supported by PHT. In 2021 the booklet was updated and adapted for use state-wide.
At the AAB event in September 2021 GPN was pleased to again cobrand a booth with PHT entitled ‘GP Pregnancy Care’. GPs at the ‘GP Pregnancy Care’ booth answered general questions about GP pregnancy care including preconception checks, early pregnancy investigations and screening, genetic carrier screening, antenatal care, vaccinations in pregnancy, postnatal care and early childhood vaccinations. There were also various pamphlets and handouts on these topics.
GP North intends to continue to be involved with the All About Babies event when it is next held in 2023.
GP North is planning to form a GP Women’s Health Advisory Group which would include GP Pregnancy Care